Africa Diaspora Support Association ADSA (Formerly Africa Diaspora Connection) honoured State of the African Diaspora SOAD and Pan-african Parliament (An organ of African Union) with an award.

Africa Diaspora Support Association ADSA led by Mr Albert Wells(African-American) via their Ghana chapter deemed it fit to honour State of the African Diaspora SOAD and Pan-Africani Parliament PAP,mostly SOAD for the incredible works the Government is carrying out for Africans in Diaspora and in Africa, also for the milestone MoU signed with Pan-Africani Parliament PAP in november in South Africa by the SOAD Prime Minister Dr Louis Georges Tin and the Pan-Africani Parliament PAP President Chief Fortune Charumbira.

The Africa Diaspora Support Association Leader Mr Albert Wells reached out to SOAD Roving Ambassador Dr Jamezany James of Nigeria and SOAD Minister of State Department Hon.Millie Tucker (African- American) in Ghana to represent and receive the award for the SOAD Government at the award presentation in Ghana at the iconic Black Star Square,hence ADSA Ghana Country Rep Mr Kobby presented the award today to January 28th to Honourable Minister Millie Tucker and Dr Jamezany James with HRM Patience Asante a Ghanian Royal also with the SOAD Royal Chamber present to give her royal blessings.

Honourable Minister Millie Tucker hereby appreciates Africa Diaspora Support Association led by Albert Wells(African-American) and Ghana Country Head Mr Kobby as well as the whole Team and Members of the association ,as she states that the SOAD Government is willing to work and support the Africa Diaspora Support Association on their mission ,as well as on their reparation and repatriation programs.

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